Daily CRM Reporting Checklist
We request the worklog from the team at the end of every day. So that, we can follow our performance (man/day) in each project and we call it "CRM". Follow the steps for the perfect CRM sharing!
Write the project's name that you're working on as title
If you worked in multiple projects, we expect you to report them separately.
Specify your worklog for each project
Use marks of 15 minutes.
Specify the tasks/issues you have worked
You should specify it with key-id and title that are taken from Jira. So that everyone in the Atolye15 might have an idea about what you're doing.
Write down the status of your issues like "Done", "In Progress"
It would be better to include Turkish characters while writing CRM
Check that the total time is equal to 7.30 hours
We are counting the time over 7.30 hours.