Connecting people by covering all the processes from mobile development to roll-out the application.
Mobile3 To-Do's

Create a New React-Native Project

Since we already have crna-recipe you only need to follow just a few steps from this checklist.

Mobile7 To-Do's

Stage A Mobile App

Follow these steps while staging a mobile application.

Checklist Categories


14 Checklists

There are some checklists which are hard to categorize. Let’s just call them generals.

Project Management

10 Checklists

They manage the team and act as a bridge between designers, developers and frankly, everyone, with the additional help of these checklists.


9 Checklists

These checklists ensure that we have standardized both visual design and user experience design principles.


9 Checklists

We keep it simple and smart, and these are our checklists mainly used by our front-end developers.


7 Checklists

Our marketing checklist is to help supporting our good work by its communication, and has everything marketing team uses for our marketing efforts.


4 Checklists

Server related, data-driven and API based checklists that help making our products of hard work stay steady.


4 Checklists

We love to automate things and have also checklists for that.

Human Resources

4 Checklists

Cabin crew, slides armed and cross check! Here are the checklists to make sure everyone in the crew is happy.